"Sorry, you are not Muhrim me. "
So the words that glide from spoken a woman when a man reached out to him. The man became confused. What is Muhrim? Perhaps such questions hang in his mind. Some of us have ever faced something like this. But it turns out, there are many who mistakenly distinguish between Muhrim with a mahram. Actually the right word for the context sentence mahram woman is not Muhrim.
Mahram is haram for everyone who married forever because of nasab, dairy and marriage (Ibn al-Maqdisi Qudama in al-Mughni 6 / 555). While Muhrim are people who are doing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage.
Problems mahram is one of the important issues in Islamic law. Because of this problem which is closely linked with mu'amalah relationship among the Muslims, especially by Muslims. God Almighty has set this issue as a form of His love as well as the manifestation of the perfection of His religion brought by Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam.
Distribution mahram
Shaykh 'Abdul' Adzim bin Abdullah Al-Khalafi (see Al-Wajiiz) states that, a woman is forbidden to marry because of three reasons, namely because nasab (offspring), dairy, and mushaharah (marriage). Therefore, a mahram woman is also divided into three kinds, namely a mahram because nasab or family, dairy and marriage.
Mahram Because nasab
Mahram because nasab is mahram derived from a blood relationship or family relationship.
Allah Ta'ala says in the letter of An-Nur verse 31, which means, "Say to the believing women," Let them gaze and guard his cock and let them not reveal her jewelry except a plain look of it. And let them cover with a cloth veil to her chest, and not to show adornment except to their husbands or their fathers or their husband's fathers or their sons or sons of their husbands or their brothers or sons of brothers their sons or their sisters. "
The scholars' commentary explains, "Behold the man who is a mahram for women is mentioned in this paragraph, are:
1. Father
Included in the category of the father who is a mahram for the woman is a grandfather, father and grandfather both from the mother. Also their fathers to the top. The foster father, then he is not a mahram for the woman. This is based on the word of Allah Ta 'ala, which means, "And God does not make your foster children as child kandungmu." (Surat al-Ahzab: 4)
2. Boy
Included in the category of boys for women is the grandson, the grandson of both boys and girls and their descendants. The adopted child, so he did not include a mahram based on the description above.
3. Brother, both biological brother or sister sebapak or sons of my mother alone.
Step-brother who is the biological child of the father or the mother only just included in the category of a mahram for the woman.
4. Niece, nephew of the brother of both men and women and their offspring.
Position nephew of the siblings and half-brother of the same case with the children of his own offspring. (See Tafseer Qurtubi 12/232-233)
5. Uncle, both uncles of the father or uncle of the mother.
Sheikh Abdul Karim Zaidan said in Al-Mufashal Ahkamil mar'ah Fi (3 / 159), "No mention is that his uncle, including a mahram in this verse (Surah An-Nur: 31) because uncle same position as the position of both parents, even sometimes also referred to as the father's uncle.
Allaah says, which means, "Are ye present when Jacob arrival (signs) of death, when he said to his children," What do you worship after me? "They said," We will worship your God the father of your fathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. "(Surah al-Baqarah: 133)
While Ishmael was the uncle of the sons of Jacob. And that includes a mahram is the opinion uncle jumhur scholars'.
Mahram Because Ar-Radha '
Ar-radha'ah or dairy is the inclusion of a woman's milk to a child with certain conditions (al-Nisa Ahkamin Mufashol Fi '6 / 235).
While the dairy that makes a person become a mahram is five times dairy, based on the hadith of `A'ishah radi` anha, he said, "Including that was sent down in the Qur'an that ten times to proscribe dairy (marriage) and then removed by five times dairy. "(Narrated by Muslim 2/1075/1452)
This is the opinion rajih among all opinions of the scholars' (See Nailul Authar 6 / 749 and Raudhah Nadiyah 2 / 175).
Shaykh Uthaymeen rahimahullah say that there are two conditionsmust be met as a sign of entry into force of ar - Radha mahram'( dairy ), namely:
1. Has the process of feeding for five times.
2. Feeding occurs during breast-feeding a baby that is two years since his birth. (See Durus wa Fatawal Haramul Uthaymeen Shaykh Makki, juz 3 things. 20)
Mahram relationship derived from the dairy has been mentioned by Allah Almighty in His word about the women is forbidden to marry, which means, "Also, mothers who breast-feed you and your brothers from the dairy." (Surat an -Nisa ': 23)
And also mentioned by the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam who narrated from Abdullah bin Abbas radi` anhu, he said, "Forbidden from dairy anything that is forbidden from nasab." (Narrated by Bukhari 3 / 222 / 2645 and Muslim 2 / 1068 / 1447)
From the above, it can be seen that a mahram to a woman than because dairy is such a mahram of nasab, namely:
1. Mr dairy (milk mother's husband).
Including also grandfathers dairy mahram is the father of the father or mother dairy, as well as their fathers to the top. From 'A'isha radi' anha he said, "Verily Aflah brother Abi Qu'ais requested permission to meet after the fall paragraph hijab, then I said," By Allah, I will not give permission to you before I ask for permission to the Prophet, because the brother Abi Qu'ais menyusuiku not, but who was the wife of Abi Qu'ais menyusuiku. And when the Prophet came, I said, "O Messenger of Allah, he indeed is not a menyusuiku, but that menyusuiku is the brother of his wife. So the Prophet said, "Let him, because he is your uncle." (Narrated by Bukhari: 4796, Muslim: 1445)
2. Boys from mothers milk.
Including children's milk milk child is the grandson of both men and women. Also their offspring.
3. Brother sepersusuan.
Both her brother biological milk, or just sebapak sons of my mother.
4. Dairy nephew (son of his brother dairy).
Whether children brother dairy men and women, as well as their descendants.
5. Dairy uncle (father's brother or mother's milk).
(See al-Mufashol 3 / 160)
Mahrom Because Mushaharah
Mushaharah comes from the ash-Shihr. Imam Ibn Athir rahimahullah said, "Shihr is mahram by marriage" (An Nihayah 3 / 63).
For example, caused by mushaharah mahram for her husband's stepmother was the son of another wife (her stepson) and mushaharah mahram for her husband's daughter is the father (father-in-law), while the wife's mother (mother-in-law) is the daughter's husband (son-in-law men) [Al Mufashshol 3 / 162].
Mahram relationship derived from marriage is mentioned by Allah Almighty in His word, which means, "And let them not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or sons their husband's sons. "(Surat An-Nur: 31)
"And do not marry women who have been married by the father (stepmother)." (Surah An-Nisa ': 22)
"Forbidden unto you (marriage) ... mothers wife (in law), wife children (stepchildren), which in pemeliharaanmu of wives who have you interfere, but if you do not interfere with your wife (and already you are divorced), then ye sin not to marry her, and wives kandungmu child (daughter). "(Surah An-Nisa ': 23)
Based on the above explanation it can be seen that people who are forever forbidden to marry because of mushaharah are:
1. Father-in-law (husband's father)
Includes a husband or father's father from the father and mother's husband also their fathers and older (See Tafseer As-Sa'di things: 515, Tafseer Fath Qadir 4 / 24 and Tafseer Qurtubi 12/154).
2. Stepchild (child of another wife's husband)
Includes step-grandchildren stepchildren are both grandchildren of stepchildren men and women, as well as their descendants (See Tafseer Qurtubi 12/154 and 5 / 75, Tafseer Fath Qadir 4 / 24, and Tafsir Ibn Kathir 1 / 413).
3. Stepfather (my husband's mother but not his biological father)
Haraam marriage is valid in the stepfather when his mother had Jima 'with her stepfather before the divorce. However, if it has not happened Jima ', it is allowed.
Abdullah Ibn Abbas radi 'anhu said, "All the women who had married by the father and son, then he is unclean unto you." (Tafseer Ath-Thobari 3 / 318)
4. Laki-law of men (husbands biological daughter)
And this happened just kemahraman akadkan daughter to her husband (Tafseer Ibn Katheer 1 / 417).
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